Why this virus is good for us- or at least me

I can’t talk for anybody other than myself- but I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that I’ve been looking at the thing for me to do. I guess some might call that purpose. It must be so nice to be LeBron James or Lionel Messi because they had their path carved out for them whenContinue reading “Why this virus is good for us- or at least me”

Why the Game of Thrones Ending was Actually Good and All of You are Just Fucking Stupid

So I know that usually when I make a post with a title this long, it usually is a farce and I just write a sentence that says the exact opposite. But, as someone who feels very passionately about this, I actually just want to come at all the h8ters that don’t get it. SitContinue reading “Why the Game of Thrones Ending was Actually Good and All of You are Just Fucking Stupid”

For All My Friends Graduating

It’s almost midnight immediately following episode 4 of Game of Thrones and after about 3 glasses of Jameson and 2 Parliaments, I’m composed enough to write a post after a brief 3 month hiatus. Also I needed spell check to write ‘hiatus,’ properly, so this should be a fun one. Anyway, I know graduation hasContinue reading “For All My Friends Graduating”